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Clearing (DCH)

MACH’s Data Clearing service provides mobile operators with efficient and reliable data exchange and billing services to facilitate wholesale settlement.



While adopting new technologies and going after new business opportunities in the roaming market, operators want to nurture existing business relationships and maintain current business with improved efficiency.

Experience shows that over 90% of disputes result due to charging differences leading to revenue losses, as well as cumbersome and expensive operational tasks for the billing department to solve. Incorrect call charges also result in doubts as to the accuracy of the end-user bill in case these records are used for retail billing purposes, consequently, the risk of churn.
One of the main challenges for operators is how to compete in a mature market – in which both competitors and subscribers have increased focus on price. Analytics plays a fundamental role in providing information on an individual subscriber basis, for example, to detect silent devices. This opens a new world of possibilities to increase revenues and optimize costs.
CDR Conversion
Stopped files, files in error, or rejected files and records are a constant challenge to operators. Billing systems and the core elements which create the basic CDR from which a TAP call record is generated can change from time to time and thus cause an error. These errors disrupt the exchange and settlement process and, in some cases, take several months to resolve.


BCE Migration
While some operators already started the journey to BCE, TAP-based settlement will co-exist for many years. It’s, therefore, critical to ensure that there is no traffic duplication between the two settlement flows to avoid incorrect charging. Operators need to have in place proper reconciliation and revenue assurance processes to reject BCE traffic identified in the TAP flow.
Your Journey to BCE Starts Here

How will operators benefit from BCE in roaming?

Maximizing Relationships Between Operators and Their Partners

MACH’s Data Clearing supports the exchange of billing and settlement information between roaming partners fully compliant with industry standards and guidelines as defined by GSMA.


A worry-free experience

Data Clearing is offered as a Managed Service with outstanding SLAs in the industry and a global and highly experienced team of experts in wholesale billing and settlement.

  • Improved cash flow thanks to the high-quality validation of TAP files.
  • Reduced revenue leakage through auto-repair functions that correct common TAP errors.
  • Accurate rating services ensuring charges exchanged are per commercial agreements.
  • Flexible mediation and file conversion services.
  • Segmentation and roaming retail repricing ready, including promotions and bundles.
  • Fully integrated, intuitive, and customizable business intelligence capabilities.
  • Complete transparency on file processing and tariff information, including file download capabilities.
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Contact a MACH specialist today to set up a demonstration and explore how MACH can enhance your business.

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Enabling operators and groups to negotiate and track optimal discount agreements.

Billing &
Charging Evolution

Flexible wholesale billing and settlement for IoT use cases and 5G offerings.


Interactive and fully transparent wholesale settlement.

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Smart Fraud

Mitigate roaming fraud risk while still allowing legitimate traffic to go through.