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5G Roaming

A unified solution designed to automate, monetize, and enable new use cases for consumers and enterprises on the journey to 5G roll out.



The long and complex journey operators take to implement 5G roaming is filled with uncertainties and many expectations, from huge network transformation to complex business models.

5G Non-Standalone
5G Non-Standalone (NSA) is built on top of the existing 4G LTE core network to enable higher bandwidth and better user experience. 5G NSA is a ‘quick win’ as it requires minimum efforts to upgrade the roaming value-added services. Operators can position themselves as technology-advanced, and, due to high traffic consumption, reach their wholesale targets faster. Operators face a new challenge: detecting their 5G-capable devices and steering them wisely towards 5G networks according to available coverage and subscription profiles.


5G Standalone
The endgame for operators is to introduce full 5G Standalone (SA) services that support network slicing and allow differentiated offerings. Firstly, operators must move all voice transactions from Circuit Switch (CS) to VoLTE as a fallback option for 5G voice. With the introduction of a new 5G core, they need to manage contingencies between multiple network technologies. Roaming agreements will also impose additional technological challenges related to the quality of service, charging and billing requirements coming from multiple IoT verticals.



Security Edge Protection Proxy
5G SA defines end-to-end security through SEPP (Security Edge Protection Proxy) by encrypting all inter-operator messages and protect against data confidentiality, identity spoofing or information tampering. Apart from the standard protocol, operators are looking for additional value-added services leveraging the fact that this proxy gateway is a mandatory function for 5G roaming scenarios. This includes welcome messaging services, monitoring of subscribers’ movements, identification of device types with several applications for IoT, and more.



Your Journey to BCE Starts Here

How will operators benefit from BCE in roaming?

A Bridge to the Future

TOMIA’s full set of solutions aims to create the best roaming experience, maximize revenues in 5G NSA, gain confidence to deploy the 5G SA roaming ecosystem, and enable emerging 5G roaming enterprise business and IoT use cases.


Driving 5G adoption on a global scale

Cover all intermediate steps of the 5G evolution, from VoLTE roaming to network virtualization and multiple network slices. Apply new wholesale settlement models with innovative charging.

  • Automatically detect 5G-capable devices and steer accordingly.
  • Comply with welcome SMS regulations when roaming in 5G networks.
  • Use Billing and Charging Evolution (BCE) to handle increased data volume.
  • Short time to market for emerging IoT enterprise use cases.
  • Advanced analytics to measure and ensure agreed SLAs/KPIs.
  • NFV and cloud-native infrastructure.
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